Wednesday, September 23, 2009


As the health care debate moved out of Washington in August and onto the airways and into the streets, special interest groups from both sides have tried to stake out their positions, rally their troops, influence their legislators and in some cases directly pressure the insurance industry. One way to do all of that was seen around the country tuesday (21st)

as held a National Day Of Action, with three rallies here in Maine. The rally/action in the Portland area was outside the offices of Anthem Blue Cross / Blue Shield, (in South Portland ) which is a subsidiary of Wellpoint, Inc.

The group ( many of whom are Anthem members) hoped to hand over a "Policy" addendum to higher ups which would advocate three items
1) "if a qualified physician recommends care" Anthem BCBS would not substitute its judgement
2) "Anthem BCBS will not deny or drop coverage for a pre-existing condition... or incentivize or reward employees
3) Anthem BCBS " will not use any resources to oppose" reform proposals

Well they got some press and a spokesman was allowed into building and left a packet at the reception desk but even the Anthem PR spokesman wouldn't agree to a brief meeting!

Maine's Olympia Snowe, a member of the Senate Finance Committee, had been a urging a slow down in the process so that the revised version of "Baucus" bill could have a final $ amount attached to it by the Congressional Office, but republicans lost a procedural vote on thursday, in committee, on the slow down.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Who Are These Guys (or Gals)?

  1. Dawn Hill
  2. Peter Truman
  3. Donna Dion
  4. Libby Mitchell
  5. Rosa Scarcelli
  6. Steve Rowe
  7. Erig Manson
  8. Lynne Williams
  9. Patrich Quinlan
  10. Elliot Cutler
  11. John Whitcomb
  12. Samme Bailey
  13. Augustue Edgerton
  14. Matthew Jacobson
  15. Peter Mills
  16. Les Otten
  17. Bruce Poliquin
  18. Martin Vachon
As Labor Day rolls around, who but a mother would recognize most of these names.  Yet these 19 hardy souls have ( and who knows how many more are considering ) declared that they would like to be your next governor. Take Samme Bailey for instance, the smiling man on the right in this picture below, seen talking to a voter in Portland last week. A graduate of Ricker College, served in the U S Air Force,  he has been a community organizer, business consultant and executive recruiter.  With the fall fair season in full swing maybe we should have the "Governor"s Barn" between the cattle barn and the sheep pens.  That way you could decide who your going to vote for and pick up some jam and a jar of pickles at the same time.
Speaking of pickles and jam, I stopped by the farmers market in Portland's Deering Oaks Park on saturday and spotted these two groups  informing voters and collecting signatures, something I'm seeing all over Portland in the past few months.
I think I may need a catchy phrase as a sign off rather than just ending these posts.  Like "That's the Way It Is" or "Good Night and Good Luck",  maybe "Run For Cover" or "Shit Here Comes Another One".

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Politics & Other Seasons

That nip in the air the past few days can mean only one thing, the Political season is upon us. As the health care battles of the August congressional break moved along the streets and across the airways, they are now giving way to more local issues, early governors race positioning and the gay marriage question.  This past weekend saw Steve Rowe at the Margolis-Pineo's  in Portland, for a meet and greet.

He also showed up at a "No on 1" fund raiser on tuesday evening on the Western Prom, hosted by Steve Dimuccio & Ed Gardner III, headlined by Governor Baldacci.
Introduced by Jesse Connolly, Protect Maine Equality, Campaign Manager, the governor move about the crowd about 35 minutes before speaking...
later leaving for an appearance on CTN's "News With Pachios".  The live call in show dealt with health care among other issues.

Protect Maine Equality