as held a National Day Of Action, with three rallies here in Maine. The rally/action in the Portland area was outside the offices of Anthem Blue Cross / Blue Shield, (in South Portland ) which is a subsidiary of Wellpoint, Inc.
The group ( many of whom are Anthem members) hoped to hand over a "Policy" addendum to higher ups which would advocate three items
1) "if a qualified physician recommends care" Anthem BCBS would not substitute its judgement
2) "Anthem BCBS will not deny or drop coverage for a pre-existing condition... or incentivize or reward employees
3) Anthem BCBS " will not use any resources to oppose" reform proposals
Well they got some press and a spokesman was allowed into building and left a packet at the reception desk but even the Anthem PR spokesman wouldn't agree to a brief meeting!
Maine's Olympia Snowe, a member of the Senate Finance Committee, had been a urging a slow down in the process so that the revised version of "Baucus" bill could have a final $ amount attached to it by the Congressional Office, but republicans lost a procedural vote on thursday, in committee, on the slow down.